* T got his bottom molar- it is BIG!
*T has been doing great in class- seperation
* He has showed alot more interest in color crayons (eating them too!)
* It was Lulu's 2nd birthday!
* We painted our Kitchen and living room FINALLY!

* Is dancing more and more each day- he is so funny when he does!
* T really likes peaches and pears! Oh yea and Quesdillas LOL
* We are going to Water Park Of America next Sunday for the night!
* In July we will being spending a weekend at the Dells!
* T had his first "throw up" It was sad to watch but luckily was only a tummy bug that was short lived (we all got it)
* No baby # 2 news yet....It will happen when time is right.
* I'm going to A HUGE baby garage sale next week- hope to find some toys for T- and put away some old ones.
Heres a few recent pics.....
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