Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dr's Visits :(

Well T had his yearly check up! He did so well. He is 90 in height still and is 50 in weight! She said based on his charts he will more then likely be 6 feet! Woo!
He also had 3 shots :( No fun for mommy or him....If  using a combination vaccine, such as Pediarix, then your baby will  likely get three shots and RotaTeq, an oral vaccine, at her two and  four-month-old well child checkup.
All looks well though for him! We go back when he is 15 months!

Then it was mommy's turn to see the OB :( Ekkkk!
I did have blood drawn to check my thyroid and that same back normal! He did give me 100 mg of a fertility drug to get the pregnancy process moving a little more! I am on that for 6 months and hopefully it will WORK! Wish us luck

1 comment:

  1. Glad he's a healthy boy! Good luck with your fertility drugs! I'll cross my fingers for you!
