Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Look at the fun we have been having.....

Swinging at gmas




Monday, March 22, 2010

Hoppy Easter!

T got his pics with the Easter bunny done today- I knew he would do great since we just got back from Disney and he DID! He just sat in his lap and was smiling- he sure knows how to work the camera.

Here is T's pic...

And with his cousin Ty....

Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Weather!!

This week has been GORGEOUS!

We had a fun play date on Thursday with 2 amazing mommies and their kiddos. Melissa hosted it at her house and she is always the best.

Here is a few pics.....
Defiantly going to have to get him one of those....LOL


Then we headed home and T didn't want to nap...so we headed to the park near our house.... T loved it!

WE defiantly were pooped after!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Well today was trial # 2 of separation. T didn't take a good nap b4 school so I for sure thought he would have a horrible time at separation. We were remined to bring "lovies" (a favorite toy or anything that he really loves) well since we couldnt bring our cat Sammi LOL, He got to bring....
He was occupied with the bubble blower when I left, and I kept looking through the window and he was fine. First he was sitting on the teachers lap for a while then I saw him playing with the fake kitchen thing and bringing her corn on the cob. He even brought her a book to read! When I came back into the room they were dancing with the radio on! She said he is very aware of Verbal skills since she turned on the music and he starting dancing! He didnt even cry ONCE! Good job T!
Oh yea- He didn't even use his nuk ONCE!


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Thank goodness for teething tablets....

My poor baby is getting his first set of Molars in. Poor kiddo!
He HAD 8 teeth last time I looked but today he was non stop crying and I said lets give you some teething tablets and sure enough he got more teeth and his molars are trying to pop through. Gesh! Poor kids. Hopefully he isn't wide awake at 1 am like he was last night. Thank GOD daddy wakes with him :)

Imagine getting those BIG teeth in.
He does have a new favorite snack though....
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31boALDXOmL._SL500_AA265_.jpg He picks these over ANYTHING!
He is also doing a great job with his WHOLE milk- He doesn't seem to mind it and he adjusted very well to it. We even got him super cool sippy cups....http://www.babyproofingplus.com/usrimage/scf600_22.jpg

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dr's Visits :(

Well T had his yearly check up! He did so well. He is 90 in height still and is 50 in weight! She said based on his charts he will more then likely be 6 feet! Woo!
He also had 3 shots :( No fun for mommy or him....If  using a combination vaccine, such as Pediarix, then your baby will  likely get three shots and RotaTeq, an oral vaccine, at her two and  four-month-old well child checkup.
All looks well though for him! We go back when he is 15 months!

Then it was mommy's turn to see the OB :( Ekkkk!
I did have blood drawn to check my thyroid and that same back normal! He did give me 100 mg of a fertility drug to get the pregnancy process moving a little more! I am on that for 6 months and hopefully it will WORK! Wish us luck

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Disney Vacation

We had a great time on vacation! T did so well on the plane- Slept most of the time. I was alitle bummed they don't give out "WINGS" anymore.

We got in Sunday and left Saturday so it was a fun filled week. We went into Disney and California adventure! We rode ALOT of rides. Our favorite was Pirates of the Caribbean! We waited in line no more then 15 minutes for rides and characters. We really got lucky- we had the best room in the hotel. We ate great food! T had so much fun you could tell- A few people said why would you bring him- he WILL NOT know etc. Well he had the time of his life and he DID know! He filled his autograph book!
One of his favorites.

And his FAVORITE: Stitch- Stitch dropped down to give T a hug and T just snuggled in and hugged him back- it was sooooo cute. People in line were saying OMG cute! It was priceless and the highlight of my trip....

Buzz lightyear ride!

Eating Lilos finger!

Lots of great pics! We ALL had a great time!