I got all my clothes I ordered delivered today! I am so excited- but the reality hasnt sunk in! Really? I am going on vacation? I mean I have traveled with Neil to his work trips but this is ALL about us and what WE want to do!
Update on the car seat- I read and heard from so many people T should be backwards facing (including his PED, and I trust her so much if she says jump I will jump) We tried rear facing and yes since T is so tall his feet do hit the seat so that is why we turned it. Well I just had a feeling and wasn't comfortable with him forward so I made an appt to have the police look at it and she said yes he can be forward facing since he is tall. So basically it was our choice what way to face him. She explained the kind we have is the best and will work either way- but forward he is more likely injure his spine if there was an accident.We had it installed perfect and he was strapped in great (yes)! So we flipped it to rear and she said that will work as well. Since is is taller we may need to forward face it sooner then some kids though. I feel so great about our investment AND it is worth it knowing you have the best kind!
Here is the day we got the new carseat!

BTW- Incase you were wondering what kind it is : Britax BLVD C&S!
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