I am amazed at what a funny kid I have. He had such a personality and I wouldnt change it for the world. He is a social butterfly.
Funny things T has done recently-----
Take his diaper off and walk around bare butt- And CRY when I try to put it back on.
At ECFE class- he had a fake corn on the cob and was walking around to give it to whoever would take it.
When we laugh he laughs. He has NO IDEA what is funny- but it is funny to him
He says Num Num when I give him a yummy food!
He wants everyone to pick him up- Including his friend A's dad!
He recently got gmas house soaked by shaking his sippy cup up and down.
If he keeps his pants and socks on it would be a miracle!
He is the best sharer (Even half eaten cookies he will put it in your mouth)
I had a chewed piece of gum sitting on a napkin and T put it in his mouth and I asked for it back extending my hand and he took it out and set it in my hand!
Falls asleep while playing- He literally just konks out....

As stated b4 he was trying to feed his day old cousin a cookie. LOL
At class there is a girl who likes T and she trys to "pet" him and he actually sits ans lets her- He encourages her by shake his head asking for more!
He flips his nuk upside down and turns it back.
He lays on his Elmo couch like he owns it! Arms on each side spread out!
My how I love his personality! He is defiantly going to be outgoing! Which is FINE by me!